Hyper's CdCatalog

Current version: 2.3.1 (Unicode Qt4, 09/29/2013, r655)



The main window:

Main window

Contains the directory browser, the file browser, and the comment frame which shows: name, size(if the element is file), last modification, the owner(of the media) The name and the number of the media, mp3 tags if exists, and a user comment which editable anytime.

The status line (bottom) shows the full path of the actual element.

The searching window:

Searching window

You can search with regex or windows style wildcards ( ?,*). You can limit the searching to media or media owners. The program optionally can matching with filenames,directory names, comments and all mp3 tags.

When the resoults of the searching is done, the main window always shows the actual element in the list of results.

Downloading cdcat

All Files are signed by the public sign key (sign_key.asc (Christoph Thielecke, Hash: 9944 BAA2 BAF0 6D79 131C DEEF 77D2 514C 3E52 8D18)) using GPG. The authenticy of a file can be checked using the corresponding .sig file: gpg --verify cdcat-x.y.z.tar.bz2.sig cdcat-x.y.z.tar.bz2
Linux binary download Windows binary download OS/2 (ecomstation) binary download MacOS/X binary download

Source code:

cdcat-2.0.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.9.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.8.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.7.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.6.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.5.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.4.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.3.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.2.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.1beta4.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.1beta3.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.1beta2.tar.bz2 (sig)
CdCat-Unicode-1.1Beta1-qt4_20101109.tar.bz2 (Unicode, Qt4, 20101109)
CdCat-Unicode-1.1Beta1-qt4.tar.gz (Unicode Qt4)

Binary for linux:

Linux genericcdcat-2.0-linux-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic (with debug)cdcat-2.0-linux-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic 64Bitcdcat-2.0-linux-bin-x64.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic 64Bit with debugcdcat-2.0-linux-bin-x64-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)
Ubuntu Precisecdcat_2.0-1_i386_precise.deb (sig, lib7zip package needed)
Debian Lenny 64Bitcdcat_2.0-1_amd64_lenny.deb (sig, lib7zip package needed)
OpenSuSE 12.1cdcat-2.0-1.i586_opensuse121.rpm (sig)

Linux genericcdcat-1.9-linux-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic (with debug)cdcat-1.9-linux-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic 64Bitcdcat-1.9-linux-bin-x64.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic 64Bit (with debug)cdcat-1.9-linux-bin-x64-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)
Ubuntu Oneiriccdcat_1.9-1_i386_oneiric.deb (sig, lib7zip package needed)
Debian Lenny 64Bitcdcat_1.9-1_amd64_lenny.deb (sig, lib7zip package needed)

Linux genericcdcat-1.8-linux-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic (with debug)cdcat-1.8-linux-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic 64Bitcdcat-1.8-linux-bin-x64.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic 64Bit (with debug)cdcat-1.8-linux-bin-x64-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)
Ubuntu Oneiriccdcat_1.8-1_i386_oneiric.deb (sig, lib7zip package needed)
Debian Lenny 64Bitcdcat_1.8-1_amd64_lenny.deb (sig, lib7zip package needed)

Linux genericcdcat-1.7-linux-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic (with debug)cdcat-1.7-linux-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic 64Bitcdcat-1.7-linux-bin-x64.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic 64Bit (with debug)cdcat-1.7-linux-bin-x64-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)
Ubuntu Oneiriccdcat_1.7-1_i386_oneiric.deb (sig, lib7zip package needed)
Debian Lenny 64Bitcdcat_1.7-1_amd64_lenny.deb (sig, lib7zip package needed)

Linux genericcdcat-1.6-linux-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic (with debug)cdcat-1.6-linux-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic 64Bitcdcat-1.6-linux-bin-x64.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic 64Bit (with debug))cdcat-1.6-linux-bin-x64-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)
Ubuntu Oneiriccdcat_1.6-1_i386_oneiric.deb (sig, lib7zip package needed)
Debian Lenny 64Bitcdcat_1.6-1_amd64_lenny.deb (sig, lib7zip package needed)

Linux genericcdcat-1.5-linux-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic (with debug)cdcat-1.5-linux-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)

Linux genericcdcat-1.4-linux-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic (with debug)cdcat-1.4-linux-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)

Linux genericcdcat-1.3-linux-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic (with debug)cdcat-1.2-linux-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic (with debug)cdcat-1.2-linux-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)

Linux genericcdcat-1.1beta4-linux-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic (with debug)cdcat-1.1beta4-linux-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)

Linux genericcdcat-1.1beta3-linux-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic (with debug)cdcat-1.1beta3-linux-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)

Linux genericcdcat-1.1beta2-linux-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux generic (with debug)cdcat-1.1beta2-linux-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)
Linux genericcdcat-1.1Beta1-bin.tar.gz
Linux generic (with debug)cdcat-1.1Beta1-bin-debug.tar.gz

Linux genericcdcat-bin.tar.bz2

Binary for Windows:

cdcat-2.0-win32-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-2.0-win32-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.9-win32-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.9-win32-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.8-win32-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.8-win32-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.7-win32-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.7-win32-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.6-win32-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.6-win32-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.5-win32-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.5-win32-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.4-win32-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.4-win32-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.3-win32-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.2-win32-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.2-win32-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.1beta4-win32-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.1beta4-win32-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.1beta3-win32-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.1beta3-win32-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.1beta2-win32-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)
cdcat-1.1beta2-win32-bin-debug.tar.bz2 (sig)

Binary for MacOS/X (untested):

cdcat-2.0-osx-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.9-osx-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.8-osx-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.7-osx-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.6-osx-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.5-osx-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.4-osx-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.3-osx-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.2-osx-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.1beta4-osx-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)

cdcat-1.1beta3-bin-osx.tar.bz2 (sig)

Binary for OS/2: (ecomstation):

cdcat-2.0-os2-bin.tar.bz2 (sig)

lib7zip for Linux:

Ubuntu Preciselib7zip_1.6.0-1_i386_precise.deb (sig)
Ubuntu Preciselib7zip-dev_1.6.0-1_i386_precise.deb (sig)
Ubuntu Preciselib7zip-doc_1.6.0-1_all_precise.deb (sig)
Debian Lenny 64bitlib7zip_1.6.0-1_amd64_lenny.deb (sig)
Debian Lenny 64bitlib7zip-dev_1.6.0-1_amd64_lenny.deb (sig)
Debian Lenny 64bitlib7zip-doc_1.6.0-1_all_lenny.deb (sig)
Ubuntu Oneiriclib7zip_1.4.1-2_i386_oneiric.deb (sig)
Ubuntu Oneiriclib7zip-dev_1.4.1-2_i386_oneiric.deb (sig)
Ubuntu Oneiriclib7zip-doc_1.4.1-1_all_oneiric.deb (sig)
Debian Lenny 64bitlib7zip_1.4.1-1_amd64_lenny.deb (sig)
Debian Lenny 64bitlib7zip-dev_1.4.1-1_amd64_lenny.deb (sig)
Debian Lenny 64bitlib7zip-doc_1.4.1-1_all_lenny.deb (sig)
License: GPL

Development source access:

You can see the modifications between the versions in the ChangeLog

Midnight Commander plugin for .hcf files (cdcat files) source:

download statistics



- Nokia Qt graphic library (ver >= 2.3.0/4.4.0) / http://qt.nokia.com/ /

- expat XML parsing library (ver >= 1.95.2) (not needed with >= 1.1beta2) / http://expat.sourceforge.net

- pcre Perl compatible regular expression library (ver >= 3.9) (not needed with >= 1.1beta2) / http://www.pcre.org

- zlib data compression library (ver >= 1.1.4) / http://www.gzip.org/zlib/ /

- libbzip2 library (version >= 1.0.0) (from 1.4) / /

- libtar library (version >= 1.2.11) (from 1.4) / http://www.feep.net/libtar/ /

- p7zip library (version >= 9.20.1) (from 1.4, optional) / http://p7zip.sourceforge.net/ /

- lib7zip 7zip wrapper library(version >= 1.4.1, optional) (from 1.4) / http://code.google.com/p/lib7zip/ /

- mediainfo media info library (version >= 0.7.47) (from 1.5, optional) /

- libexiv Exifdaten-Bibliothek (from 1.9, optional>) / http://libexif.sourceforge.net/

All libraries except lib7zip and mediainfo are included in the Linux distributions. You will need the development packages if they too if you compile from source.

The lib7zip library compiling requires the p7zip sourcecode (WIN32: 7zip sourcecode).

Help for compiling cdcat can be found in the sourcecode of cdcat: The 7zip library (7z.so/7z.dll) must be available at runtime for supporting a lot of file extensions at archive scanning. You can check if its loaded if there is a long list of file extensions at settings - Select additional items to read - supported file extensions.

The mediainfo library is optional. At compile time the mediainfo header file (MediaInfoDLL.h) must be in include pfad (subfolder MediaInfoDLL) Compiling:

Unpack the source, and check te prerequisites! If it is done, check or set the QTDIR envronment variable (It must point the root directory of Qt.)

then type:

cdcat/src$ make

If you got error messages try to re-generate the Makefile by running qmake (QT tool)

cdcat/src$ qmake cdcat.pro && make

Than you even got error messages try to check dependencies and rights!

(before you send me bug report :-) )

That case you didn't get any error login as root and type:

cdcat/src# make install

This command copy the compiled files to the necessary place.


Bug reports, Questions, Request, Patches, etc:

crissi99 at gmx dot de

Mailing list (everyone who like to get news, developers, translators):

Subscribe page: http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/cdcat-list

After you subsribe the mail address of the list is:

cdcat-list at lists dot sourceforge dot net

Author of CdCat

The main program was written by Péter Deák (from hungary)

The author is studied computer programming at University of Debrecen, and tried to write many useful programs for everyone on the world who likes its.


hyperr at freemail dot hu

Additional programmers

Christoph Thielecke (from germany)

He is studying communication computer sience at university for applied sciences of Wernigerode.

He is programming free software (open source), preferred QT/KDE.


crissi99 at gmx dot de

My other programs:

Batch file renamer http://renamer.sourceforge.net