
Note: You only need this, if no binary for your operating system is not available or you want to use the latest development version.


All libraries except lib7zip and mediainfo are included in the Linux distributions. You will need the development packages if they too if you compile from source.

The lib7zip library compiling requires the p7zip sourcecode (WIN32: 7zip sourcecode).

Help for compiling cdcat can be found in the sourcecode of cdcat: The 7zip library ( must be available at runtime for supporting a lot of file extensions at archive scanning. You can check if its loaded if there is a long list of file extensions at settings - Select additional items to read - supported file extensions. The mediainfo library is optional. At compile time the mediainfo header file (MediaInfoDLL.h) must be in include pfad (subfolder MediaInfoDLL)


Unpack the source, and check te prerequisites! If it is done, check or set the QTDIR envronment variable (It must point the root directory of Qt.)

then type:

cdcat/src$ make

If you got error messages try to re-generate the Makefile by running qmake (QT tool)

cdcat/src$ qmake && make

Than you even got error messages try to check dependencies and rights!

(before you send me bug report :-) )

That case you didn't get any error login as root and type:

cdcat/src# make install

This command copy the compiled files to the necessary place.