
This page is only available in English.
new feature

ChangeLog-2.3.1 (r655)

version increased to 2.3.1
translation generation for russian language fixed

ChangeLog-2.3 (r652)

version increased to 2.3
click on result entry does not select corresponding entry tree fixed
more keyboard shortcuts added
keyboard shortcut dialog added (help menu)
dont add empty exclude rule on rule list at selreadable dialog
make read blocksize configurable by define
update current node if no element (..) in content listview is selected fixed
delete keyboard shortcut added (del key)
display full path instead node name on delete confirmation dialog
make delete confirmation question better
display full path instead node name on size dialog
icons for encryption related buttons added
compare on TestInStream constructor fixed
missing initalization of vars (bTAGreaded, bTAGexist, tnumber) at ReadMp3Tag class on constructor added
reading old catalog without sortedBy attribute fails fixed
use qstring instead char * for what and err string at getStr2, getDouble2
window title on borrow dialog fixed
use initalization list for init local vars instead inside constructor on mediainfo dialog
resource leak on insertDB at out of memory error fixed
use initalization list for init local vars instead inside constructor on colorsettings dialog
typo on commwidget contructor on init a var fixed
missing initalization of etype var on constructors added
code cleanup at getFullPath() on Node class
missing initalization of information var at lineobject class on constructor added
assignment of fileinfo var on DBFile constructor fixed
missing initalization of vars (length, last, alternate) at MString class on constructor added
not nessary var errormsg removed
missing initalization of vars (usefileinfo, useExternalContentViewer, storeExifData, commentDockPos_x, commentDockPos_y, commentWindowPos_x, commentWindowPos_y, commentDockSize_width, commentDockSize_height, contentWindowPos_x, contentWindowPos_y, contentWindowSize_width, contentWindowSize_height commentWindowSize_width, commentWindowSize_height) at CdcatConfig class on constructor added
missing initalization of vars (founded, pww, error, errptr, dirname, filename, comment, find_category, tartist, ttitle, talbum, tcomment, content, allmedia, allowner, dateStartChecked, dateEndChecked, sizeMinChecked, sizeMaxChecked, findInArchivesChecked, size_min, size_max) at seekEngine class on constructor added
typo at seeke on finddialog class fixed
regression on saving thumbnail data to catalog file fixed
dont add history item on save/save as if already in list
add media fails after previous cancelled scan fixed
crash on reading fileinfo in some cases fixed
crash on reading file content fixed
memleak at detecting cd/dvd type fixed
memleak on open cd device fixed
endless loop fixed on scanning avi info at file with broken avi header
memleak at dirview class fixed
memleaks at recent menu fixed
cleanup of mediainfo fixed
memleak on reading catalog at read content fixed
some debug info disabled
memleak at mediainfo fixed
memleak at config class fixed
memleak at HDirectoryView fixed
double free fixed
memleak on setting splitter style fixed
memleaks on exit fixed
memleaks on closing catalog fixed
initial russian translation added (thanks to ferm32 (Vitaly A. Kuzmin))
displaying nfo pattern on debug info disabled
return type of isIdentical changed from int to bool
media name not changed after dialog on add media fixed (#53)
check for existing media name not only for cd/dvd added
missing initialisation of QTextCodec resulting in unability to run mediainfo on accentuated filenames fixed (#55)
missing close file handle on xml export fixed (#56)
wrong read mode of catalog on xml export fixed (#57) menu entries/context menu entries for enable/disable encryption added
password confirmation on set/change encryption password added
display compiled in features in about dialog added
support for encrypted catalog added (requires libcrypto++, can be disabled on compile time)
catalog encryption rules for win32 added

Release 2.2 (r571)

version increased to 2.2
Q_OBJECT macro on ArchiveFile class added
cdcat homepage link at info dialog fixed
crash on cancel of add link dialog fixed (thanks to Alain Aupeix)
segmentation fault on 'add link to a cdcat catalog' fixed (#3597794)
setting progress text fixed
changing media type using media type dialog fixed (#3581829)
dont stop parsing at unknown media type, change automaticlly to other type
memleaks at scanning filesystem fixed
memleaks at exit fixed
sorting by ascending or descending results in descending fixed (#3559284)
memleak at scanning filesystem fixed
export fixed (#3576090)
default filename at export fixed
crash at search on duplicates fixed
sort catalog by name (descending) added
sort catalog by media type (ascending/descending) added
export single media to xml added
import of cdcat exported xml added (e.g. singe media)
gpl page link at info dialog added
display path of selected search result entry in status bar added

Release 2.1 (r538)

version increased to 2.1
adding history entry on save as fixed
writing utf8 encoded filenames and content fixed (#3550586)
setting media name with utf8 chars fixed
detection of cd/dvd media name fixed
detection if cd/dvd already mounted on linux fixed (#3535884)
device path can now also specified at settings for cd/dvd device
crash on start fixed if trayicon is disabled (#3529967)
crash at scanning archive with special names in archive list fixed
detection of file extension on non win32 systems fixed
set medianame on adding new media at cd/dvd type fixed
use cdrom path for cd/dvd instead of selected path in tree
menu entries for resort catalog in descending order (number, time) added
loading some settings fixed (content, date start, start end at find dialog)
sort by number, time and type fixed
sort state will now saved to catalog
display sort state in commwidget added

Release 2.0 (r522)

version changed to 2.0
datatype on reading at reading double from xml fixed
code cleanup
set special config settings on autoload on db correctly
create pww on mainwidget instead on guibase
display progressdialog on save/saveas added
keep ".." entry always as first entry on sort listview on change on 3. column
progressdialog fixes
speedup catalog line detection on catalog reading
status info about supported image extensions on selreadable dialog added
display supported image extensions on console if debug info is enabled
display tree childs open fixed
use default selected color for listview
compiler warnings reduced
prevent a crash on close if catalog is currently loading
wrong icon on adding history element on save catalog fixed
importing media date for adding new media on gtktalog xml import fixed
display busy cursor during dir read in adddialog added
scanning / fixed
set media name automaticlly if / is selected
size of progressdialog fixed
hide read errors prepared
crash at start fixed
folter tree after import now works again
dont scan archive if disabled in config
option for display current scanned file (reading mediainfo, scanning archive) in tray added
help dialog reworked
load/save display current scanned file in tray fixed
display current scanned file (reading mediainfo, scanning archive) in tray also on rescan added
use tooltip instead popup at tray for current scanned file
possibility to disable mediainfo at compile time added
proper delete mediainfo handler at cdcat exit
display found lib7zip version at console output if debug is enabled
display info that lib7zip support is not compiled in at selreadable dialog if lib7zip was disabled at compile time
display info that mediainfo support is not compiled in at selreadable dialog if mediainfo was disabled at compile time
crash at close fixed
compile fix
warnings fixed
close mediainfo properly
sorting directories on listview fixed
resize colum of name colum at listview automaticlly to fit the text in it
crash on scanning special avi files fixed
missing free icon base on exit added
memleak fixes
version number of detected lib7zip on selreadable dialog added
type on adding new media fixed
displaying type in directory tree fixed
sort order on treeview and directory view now ascending be default
keep ".." entry always as first entry on sort listview
resize colum of name colum at treeview automaticlly to fit the text in it
allow user to resize column width of directory tree again
load media info on static mediainfo fixed
language loading on os/2 fixed
crash on loading file content fixed
crash on insert history action fixed
own messagehandler on debug build added
os/2 support added
crash at adding new media if dirview is empty fixed
make listview columns resizeable again
sorting on result listview at finddialog added
sorting at treeview and fileview reenabled
context menu entries for listview and treeview fixed
lang selector fixed
select lang at osx fixed
changing language on the fly fixed (win32/osx)
switching back to english lang fixed (win32/osx)
missing label translation at file view on translation change added
dirview ported to qtreewidget
lnode ported to qtreewidgetitem
hdirview ported to qtreewidget
directory ported to qtreewidgetitem
qt3 compat includes removed
indicator and indention on results listview removed
qt3support members rewritten
swapped context menu call fixed
allow clear result listview if only status text in it
hqlistview ported to qtreewidget
hqlistviewitem ported to qtreewidgetitem
q3listview at finddialog replaced by qtreewidget
q3listviewitem at finddialog replaced by qtreewidgetitem
crash at search for duplicates fixed
find for category at finddialog added
font selector at content viewer dialog added
display content size correctly on context viewer dialog
resize of commwidget content fixed
commwidget contents fixes
display content size if file has stored content
empty file content which sometimes happend fixed
show debug output for avi parsing if debug output is enabled
draw line before file info if file info is shown
m4v extension for mediainfo scanning added
parameters resorted
use mainwindow as parent instead guislave (again)
size of process dialog fixed if no progressbar is shown
resize of commwidget content fixed
commwidget is now a dockable widget (can be undocked)
custom status bar replaced by statusbar of qmainwindow (prevents resizing application window if message is too long)
displaying lib7zip found status at selreadable dialog fixed
icon for help action fixed
more icon fixes ;)
view menu added
show/hide status bar added
show/hide toolbar added
show/hide comment dock added
show/hide systray added
menu height fixed
regression on repaint commwidget fixed
save position and size of content dialog added
save position and size of comment/category dialog added
proper init of INFOLIST items at parseAviHeader()
q3gridlayout replaced by qgridlayout
q3ptrlist replaced by qlist
q3multilinedit replaced by qtextedit
q3valuelist replaced by qlist
q3hboxlayout replaced by qhboxlayout
q3vboxlayout replaced by qvboxlayout
mainwidget now uses qmainwidget as base class
custom toolbar replaced by qmainwidget toolbar (this allows to undock it from mainwidget and let the user move to other place
qtoolbuttons replaced by qaction in qtoolbar
q3listbox replaced by qlistwidget
q3buttongroup replaced by qgroupbox
q3groupbox replaced by qgroupbox

Release 1.9 (r387)

version changed to 1.9
touch function of DBCatalog moved to proper place
empty contents after first edit file node content fixed (#3492344)
size optimizions on finddialog
option for keeping search result at finddialog added (#3496361)
display avi scan info only if avi tech scan is performed
scan only for media info if file has supported extension
identical media name check at addialog fixed
identical media name check for cd/dvd added
skip mount cd/dvd if already mounted is detected (via /etc/mtab)
allow gui often to refresh
only create exif data if its enabled to read exif data
status support on rescan event added
animate systray icon during scanning added
allow to maximize find dialog added
hide progress dialog on minimize to tray too
allow to faster cancel on scanning
hide trayicon before close app
strip useless trailing slash from selected path on adddialog
set last dir name as media name if type is not cd/dvd
ask for new media name if media already exists instead of show error message
exclude match fixed
display regex validity in selreadable dialog
display extended status during scanning added (archive scanning, mp3 info, avi info, content, exif data, thumbnail)
option for displaying archive file name during archive file in status added
updated application icon with multiple sizes and svg added (thanks to Andras Somogyi, #3301448)
icon size fixed
scanning filesystem by adding new media/rescan can now be cancelled
regex help document added at selreadable dialog
check exclude rules on live edit too
option for use simple wildcard instead regex for exclude added
systray icon added
use real regex instead simple wildcard at exclude rules
use listview instead lineedit for exclude rules
exclude rules are checked against file path instead file name
exclude rules now checked against directory path too
q3table replaced by qtablewidget
q3popmenu with qmenu replaced at mainwidget, guibase, borrowdialog
q3cstring removed
q3textbrowser replaced by qtextbrowser
display content file pattern info if debug info is enabled
q3frame replaced by qframe
q3whatsthis removed
q3strlist replaced by qstringlist
handle files larger than 1tb fixed
use double instead float internally
tb size unit on find dialog added
searching file size on finddialog fixed
selreadable dialog reworked
config dialog reworked
exclude file support added (regex, filename)
display busy cursor on open catalog from history menu
applying missing db settings on rescan event added
applying missing db settings on open hitstory event added
find entries to new find menu entry moved
use qstring instead of char string for compare at pos() on pos dialog
option for display file content with external viewer added (#982070)
display result progress/count on find dialog table label added (#3496359)
use qpushbutton instead of painted button for cancel at progressdialog
cancel loading catalog fixed
cancel searching fixed
display more error messages on console
extension column at finddialog added (#3496363)
crash at closing file duplicates dialog fixed
disable menubar and toolbar if finddialog is open
calculate size from nodes fixed
storing adddialog size and position added
option for thumbnail size added
save thumbnail size fixed
option for specify thumbnail file extensions added
- save last selected dir on adddialog fixed
scroll to last folder in tree on adddialog init
try to scroll 2 items of current folder up in tree on adddialog init for better view
matching filetypes for context fixed
thumbnail storing added
loading exif data added (optional)
display success/fail of loading lib7zip if debug info is enabled
search did not return any result if not catalog node is selected (#3489441)

ChangeLog-1.8 (r295)

version increased to 1.8
crash at search fixed (#3489211)
handle multiline entries on whereisit csv import correctly
fix duplicate extension on whereisit cvs import (whereisit lite)
update last dir on import

ChangeLog-1.7 (r289)

version increased to 1.7
archive line parsing fixed on lib7zip created archive contents (#3485434)
obsolete tab in generated archive file content on commwidget removed
set default rights for archive file properly
exec attribute on files inside archives scanned from lib7zip removed
set default rights for archive file on import properly
set last used dir on adddialog if type is not cd/dvd
use implicit font metrics local member instead creating on heap at progressdialog
scanning archives using lib7zip fixed
type conversion for permission string fixed
display archive contents at commwidget in better formated way
commwidget space issuses fixes
repaint commwidget only if nessary
qtlogo on tool button and menu entry fixed
category display at commwidget fixed
limited tag support at whereisit import (will be added to comment)
csv import from whereisit within multiple disks fixed (thanks to blueday)
set last used dir on import dialog
set last used dir if last dir is not set to home dir at export dialog
duplicate file search inside catalog added (use context menu entry on a file node)
jump to selected file in duplicate result list if user clicked on it added
skip adding file which is looked up for duplicates in result list
font size of archive contents at commwidget fixed
insert catalog into existing catalog fixed
insert catalog into existing catalog with duplicate check prepared for future
scanning archve files on subfolder fixed (#3484430)

ChangeLog-1.6 (r260)

version changed to 1.6
wrong disable of fileinfo if readmp3 info is disabled fixed
comment missing from results page when searching fixed (#3480282)
displaying multiline comments correctly in search result list
tb size unit display at search dialog added
mediainfo/lib7zip build fixes
typo fixed
display supported archive extensions if lib7zip is disabled fixed
display header line for archive contents in commwidget
display lib7zip state more informative
comment resize fix
compile fix for broken osx
wrong characters reset fixed
typo on archive header line at commwidget fixed
content at comment widget display fix
made lib7zip optional (thanks to eduard bloch)
use pkgconfig info for mediainfo (thanks to eduard bloch)
define for mediainfo unicode added (thanks to eduard bloch)
security hardening flags added (thanks to eduard bloch)
flag for mediainfo static renamed from MEDIAINFO_LIBARY to MEDIAINFO_STATIC
string fixes (thanks to eduard bloch)
numeric overflow fixes (thanks to eduard bloch)
various typos fixed (thanks to eduard bloch)
various crash fixes at mp3tag (thanks to eduard bloch)
various bad memory usage fixes mp3tag (thanks to eduard bloch)
filecount at advanced disk catalog csv import fixed
setting medianame from foldername if not cd/dvd at adding media fixed
size handling at scanning fixed
size handling at import fixed
correct autogenerated file path for filename at export fixed if lastDir is empty
dont scan drives a: and b: on creating directory tree at adddialog
reenabling some export options after switching back from xml to csv or html fixed
french translation updated (thanks to Josselin du PLESSIS)
set media name from cd/dvd only if selected or at scan time
path name for archive file at gtktalog xml import fixed
import archive files with subfolders at gtktalog xml import fixed
print search result added
export search result as html added
gtktalog xml import fixed
archivecontent is now imported at gtktalog xml import
position of filelist extensions and max size for filecontent corrected

Release 1.5 (r215)

version changed to 1.5
reset archivecontent after adding archive file to db
comment widget optimizions
mediainfo for getting additional info about file types added
tbyte unit type added
size detection fixed
adding history entry name at saveas event fixed
display 7zip lib found state in selreadable dialog added

Release 1.4 (r205)

version changed to 1.4
translations from old qt3 version readded: fr, it, sr (unmaintained)
track number in mp3tag is now supported
archive scan options moved from config dialog to selreadable dialog
comment widget now expands if the text inside is larger than viewport
archive scanning added (needs libtar, libbzip2, lib7zip)
recent catalog menu reversed (last used now on top)
config dialog size optimizions
crash at adding cdcat link fixed
volumes dir in file tree for adding new media added on osx (fixes: 3323375)
handle different date formats on whereisit xml import
import files/folder too if media number mismatch but media name match
display some debug output on whereisit xml import only if debug output is enabled
whereisit xml import speedup
comments in new style now handled by whereisit xml import
progressdialog at xml import added (whereisit, gtktalog)
import media type (dvd) on whereisit xml import fixed
add file extension in whereisit xml import if nessary

Release 1.3 (r193)

version changed to 1.3
strip trailing lineend and spaces from comment at loading catalog
dont replace lineend with '#' on edit comment
export all requested fields if export only media fixed
export media name if export only media fixed
export category on csv and html added
edit node comment/category fixed
added modified patch for importing from advanced disk catalog from zzarko which improves parsing
patch for keyboard accel on adddialog added (thanks to and
allow to export only media name on csv export
export media name at csv export too (fixes: 3302225)
parsing xml content fixed (fixes: 3302226)
comment linebreak length increased to 80
category linebreak length increased to 80
allow to change sorting dir tree to descending/ascending (fixes request 3190058)
parsing size from xml fixed

Release 1.2 (r176)

version changed to 1.2
speedup parsing a little bit
import report generated advanced disk dialog fixed if file type was not given
restore normal cursor on save new created catalog fixed
empty media name if auto mount is disabled fixed
scan cdrom path if not automount fixed
context menu option for changing media type added
save as now adds history item
unsharp search option in find dialog added
crash caused divide by zero fixed
advanced disk catalog import info added
csv import added (WhereIsIt, see README_IMPORT for details)
jump to selected item in find dialog fixed
dont open export dialog if no catalog is open
xml export added
reading utfs encoding fixed
possibility for cancel searching added
possibility for cancel openening catalog added
made extra colum for size at result listview at search dialog
sizes of busy dialog adjusted

Release 1.1 (beta4 r155)

file archivist catalog import added (thanks to martin brunner)
csv import added (Advanced Disk Catalog)
displaying units fixed

Release 1.1 (beta3 r150)

reading utfs encoding fixed
possibility for cancel searching added
possibility for cancel openening catalog added
made extra colum for size at result listview at search dialog
sizes of busy dialog adjusted
qmake project file order changed (workaround for qmake bug)
development/release information in info dialog
unit translation fixes
use better description on search button at find dialog
initial defaults for search options (start date, end date, min size, max size) set to disabled
initial defaults for search options (min size type, max size type) set to MiB
initial defaults for search options (min size, max size) set to 1, 10
set cursor to busy cursor at save, saveas, open and add actions
process events if nessary at open catalog
workaround for displaying rubberband again
show edit category menu entry in context menu
display node path in comment/category edit
show category button hidden
csv import added (Advanced File Organizer)
csv import added (VisualCD)
file filter at import dialog fixed
csv import added (VVV (Virtual Volumes View))
remember start/end date in find dialog
double deletion fixed
support for category (catalog, media, files/dirs) added
comment at csv import fixed
gtktalog xml import fixed
remember last search pattern added
searching min size/max size added
option for displaying progressed file at scanning directory tree added
remember last media type in adddialog
ok/cancel button moved to buttom in config dialog
busydialog auto resize to optimal size made
displaying wait text at scanning added
progressbar at busydialog on loading/parsing file added
display more informative text in busydialog on loading/parsing file
made unit in node sizedialog translateable
q3textstream by qtextstream replaced
q3textbrowser by qtextbrowser replaced
reading catalog file enhanced
saving special chars fixed
option for saving catalogs always in UTF8 added (disabling keeps old encoding)
searching fixed
support for importing comment and category at Kat-CeDe and Disclib added
progressbar at csv import fixed
q3textstream replaced by qtextstream at import
q3progressdialog replaced by qprogressdialog at import
language selector at preferencesdialog at osx added
csv import added (Disclib)
dont give a error message if same name at rename dialog
dont give a error message if same number at renumber dialog
use last used path for directory at export
generate standard html header
use utf8 as encoding at html export
display export date in report
media number, mp3tag and borrow information can be exported now
csv export allows now to select fields for export
crash at searching fixed
scanning cdrom/dvd if no cdrom path is set fixed (win32)
wrong translation fixed (thanks to Thomas Nehrenheim)
csv import added (Kat-CeDe)
media number/name at comment widget moved below type
do automatic linebreak in comment widget if comment has oversized lines (>40 chars)
display size units correctly (Kib, Mib, ...)
made size units translateable
workaround for displaying rubberband again (win32)
scanning non cdrom fixed (linux)
displaying error message if cd/dvd could not mounted (linux)

Release 1.1 (beta2 r71)

save last dir on open catalog
use qt4 filedialogs
use qxmlsimplereader instead of expat for xml import
import datetime for media fixed
detect uncompressed file size added
test for enough memory at catalog reading added
read file in chunks instead of in one
use qxmlsimplereader instead of expat for catalog parsing
cdrom/dvd volume name at win32 fixed
set default value for cdrom device
pcre replaced by QRegExp
version adjusted
parsing date fixed (missing old format2 added: "Apr.12 15:43 2001"
searching date added (start, end, start+end)
option "detect cdrom/dvd media name after mount" added
option for debug output on console added
string converstion on save fixed
xml encoding detection added
save new catalog in UTF8
current author in about dialog changed
translation update
support for (dead) symbolic links and system files improved (thanks to Bernard Valentin)
parsing avi header fixed (thanks to Niels Horn)
allow "<", ">" and '"' in comments (thanks to Niels Horn)
crash if clicking on the "catalog" in the left panel fixed (thanks to Niels Horn)
format dates with leading zero (thanks to Niels Horn)
typos fixed (thanks to Niels Horn)
translations updated
compile fix for qt < 4.6.0 added
fixed wrong encoding on reading
crash when adding new media fixed (thanks to Bernard Valentin)
double click on folder at display view fixed (thanks to Niels Horn)
details are not shown for an item when clicking on it fixed (thanks to Niels Horn)
segfault at saving catalog fixed
win32 fixes (thanks to noragen)
string termination correction at mp3tag (based on patch from debian (
patch for fixing gzip -> xml conversion applied (based on patch from gentoo (
help dialog converted to qt4 ui
patch for import old date-format added (thanks to Niels Horn)

Release 1.1Beta1

Ported to Qt4
Crash at click at catalog in tree fixed
About Qt menu entry and menu toolbutton added
Displaying Qt version in about info added
german translation updated

Release 1.02b

Serbian translation

Release 1.01

Apply a patch on tparser.cpp (by Techno) which correct the detected time of avi.
Eliminate a seg.fault when click on an empty result after search
Read System & Hidden files too. (Apply a patch from Eduard Bloch)

Release 1.0

Italian translation
Fixed working of import dialog "Create New Database" option.
Fixed a seg fault possibility around the import dialog. (when choose cancel at the database creating)
Make the avi parser more paranaid (fix seg.fault. with some broken avi)
Added include file to fix compiling on MacOS

Release 0.99c (beta)

French translation

Release 0.99b (beta)

Indonesian translation
Fix getMediaFileNode,getDirectoryNode bug

Release 0.99 (beta)

Keep the sorting state after directory change
Fix CD/DVD Volume name read problem under linux (Again...) /Some occasion the name was not read/
Portugal translation

Release 0.98 (beta)

Now The seraching is working on the media and media comments too. (When I started the cdcat decided not to search in media and media's comment becouse they are at the top level and can see without searching, but since I store complete film DVDs as media I realized it is necessary...)
Possibility to change color theme of the comment area.
Some special pop-up menu assistance to fill borrow dialog.
You don't have to type the borrower name again if the table contain it already.
Catalog link node. You can make a special node which point to a catalog, and if you hit enter on it the pointed database automatically load. Usefull to make a "start database". WARNING: DATABASE WITH LINK IS NOT FULLY PLATFORM INDEPENTENT ! (reason the hcf's path. Tipp: use relative directory names )
If you are top level (browse media and calatalog links instead files and directories) the Size column shows the media serial number. You can sorting by media number this way.
New WhereIsIt XML import possibility
New date format
Better HTML export style. (Generate smaller file)
Fix the history list: not appended same files
Now the keyboard shortcuts are shown in the upper menu. (Changed the style of handling the keys too)
Autosave possibility (see the config panel)
Changed some icons...
Fix a potentially seg.fault in mp3-tag-v2 reader
Fix devicename reading from fstab
Fix some other little bug

Release 0.97 (beta)

You can maintain your media borrowing informations.
Now cdcat can memorize the name of borrowers and show a red X at the top-right corner of the comment window if the media is borrowed actually.
The borrowing informations can be set from the upper menu and pop-up menu too
DVD & CD detection on Linux systems. (Apply a patch from Eduard Bloch)
Accept a command line parameter as starting database
Now the datafile stores a version info. The cdcat warn you if you open unknown (newer) datafile version.
Made some english language fix. (and some new bug... ;-) )
Now you can query the size of the full catalog witch clicking "node size" on the catalog name in directory tree browser.
Cdcat can read avi technical information with a plugin written by Techno

Release 0.96 (beta)

Cdcat can read the mp3 bitrate, freq, time and stereo type as comment (It can be disabled)
Read mp3-tag version 2!
You can configure which version of TAG is the default
gtktalog XML import.
Fix setPointSize, endless loop crash.
Shows the icons of dialogs
Fixing CSV export style. (It's not the best, but better :-) )
More scaleable html export
Fixed import dialog's layout problem
The add-dialog's Ok button got the initial focus.
Updated hungarian translation
Updated spanish translation
Updated german translation
Updated czech translation

Release 0.95 (beta)

Changed the icons of export/import
Some language fix
Updated German Translation

Release 0.94 (beta)

Added possibility to store content of the specified files according to wildcards (eg: *.nfo or *.diz ) up to a size limit you want. (max 128 kByte)
You can search in the file content
You can save the file content
Now you can configure the readable items (tag,content) from the Media addition dialog too
Added sorting option of the file browser panel.
The directory browser now follow the file browser
Added possibility to edit comment from the popup menu
The comment edit button is enabled only if you can edit a comment
Fixed parent element on the comment window (in case ..)
Fixed some element focus (..) bug
Removed some memory lack
Fixed the history save crash
Updated CZ translation
On the exit event the program do not exit if you would like to save your database but you cound't. (to be safer :))
Added possibility to Seach in the current directory by pressing CTRL+S or ALT+S

Release 0.93 (beta)

Try do not crash if the xml file is bad and write some info about the error.
The mouse cursor changing on the comment area when it's possible to scroll.
Make the program icon under Win32
Using of own font size can now be disabled
UI fixes: search dialog
Config load improved
History added
History size added
Storing window size and position
German Translation updated
New info dialog
Win32: Language selection in config dialog / scans the existing translation in ".\lang" /
Now you can move the progress-window by the mouse.
Added pop up menus.
Fix the serial number 99 limit.
Save the options of find dialog
Added media renumbering option
The parts of main-window are now resizeable, and save the positions to the config file.

Release 0.92 (beta)

The add dialog read the CD VOLUME NAME as media name if the type == CD and the selected directory in the dirlist is match with the configed cdrom directory.
! Changed the place of translation files on linux
The new place is: /usr/local/share/cdcat/translations/
Fix focus problem in the middle box of main window.
Fix in import function
Fix double new dialog during import
Fix Crissi's email address :)
Now the mount/eject function can be used under all version of QT
The mount/eject now work only if the scannable directory is equal to the cdrompath directory (which can be set in configdialog)
Improve waiting dialog visibility.
Now the hearth is really drum /don't flicker/ if the cdcat is alive ;-)
Translation fixes.
Fix find-result focus problem.
Spanish translation (by Jorge)
Czech translation (by Vlada)

Release 0.91 (beta)

CSV Import possibility /e.g: from gtktalog / ( by Crissi )
Doesn't fix the font type anymore, you can select the pint size.
Make many dialog resizeable
The node size option now more informative
Do automount & eject if you enable it in config/ only Linux and Qt.V.>=3.X.X ( by Crissi )
You can specify the path of cdrom so if you'd like to scan a CD | DVD the adddialog automatically select the directory. ( by Crissi )
German translation ( by Crissi )
Some fixes around the size of text labels
Gui fixes in commentwidget

Release 0.9 (beta)

You can scoll the contents of the comment window
(The yellow one right side)
with the mouse. Yust press the mouse button and drag the text.

Do autoscroll in the middle box if the current item doesn't visible.
The "hearth" doesn't take controll over the windows system,
and don't stays on top. (was a bit flustrating ? ;-) )

Placed the rnx_nolang.ts file, to easy begin the translation to any language.
The project has own homepage ( Thanks for the sf!
Updated it in the help...

Release 0.8 (beta)

I make some help...
Make the code nicer ;-)
Gui text fixes.
Translation fixes.

Release 0.7 (beta)

Hungarian translation
Added option of saving in nicer XML format
(you can disable it in the config dialog)

Added node size option
Some crash fix.
If the file is symlink write it to the comment
Added media sorting option

Release 0.6 (beta)

First release